Alluring 9-12mm Natural Color Silver South Sea Pearls

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Caring for your alluring 9-12mm natural color silver South Sea pearls ensures they maintain their captivating beauty over time. Here's how to care for them:

  1. Gentle Handling: Handle your pearls with care to prevent scratching or damaging the delicate surface. Avoid dropping them onto hard surfaces or exposing them to excessive force.

  2. Avoid Chemicals: Keep your pearls away from harsh chemicals such as perfume, hairspray, cosmetics, and household cleaners. These substances can damage the pearls' luster and surface over time.

  3. Clean Regularly: After wearing, gently wipe your pearls with a soft, damp cloth to remove any oils, sweat, or debris. Avoid using harsh cleaners or abrasive materials, as they can damage the pearls.

  4. Storage: Store your pearls separately from other jewelry to prevent scratching. Store them in a soft pouch or lined jewelry box to protect them from abrasion and damage.

  5. Avoid Extreme Conditions: Keep your pearls away from extreme temperatures, high humidity, and direct sunlight. Exposure to these conditions can cause the pearls to become damaged or discolored.

  6. Wearing: Avoid wearing your pearls when engaging in activities that may expose them to rough surfaces or impact. Remove them before exercising, swimming, or performing household chores.

  7. Professional Maintenance: Consider having your pearls professionally cleaned and inspected by a jeweler periodically to ensure they remain in optimal condition.

By following these care tips, you can ensure that your alluring 9-12mm natural color silver Tahitian pearls retain their captivating beauty and luster for years to come.

Discover Unprecedented Elegance: Our Unusual Natural Color Silver Blue 9-12mm South Sea Saltwater Cultured Pearls.

Meticulously cultivated in the pristine waters of the South Seas, these pearls showcase unparalleled luster and natural beauty. Their rare and distinctive coloration sets them apart, making them a truly exceptional addition to any jewelry collection. Whether worn as a statement piece or as part of an ensemble, these South Sea pearls exude timeless elegance and charm.

Size: 9-12mm

37 pearls on 16" temporary strand

Treatment: none

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